Judgement x 8 of Swords + 3 of Cups
Sometimes life can feel oppressive. It can feel like nothing is working out the way we would like, or that fate itself is against us. And sometimes, when we're in the mood for honesty, we can find ourSELVES standing in our own way.
July is the month to get back to your 'why'. Remind yourself of your highest values, of all the things in life that make you feel connected and curious and excited. Your reasons for getting out of bed in the morning. It's a lot easier to break down barriers and side step obstacles, when you know what you're living for, and what you're moving toward.
And while we're reviewing our 'whys', don't forget to include your loved ones! Summer is the season for connection. Host a backyard potluck, drag your introverted friend to the beach (they'll thank you for it!), go for a long walk and smile at some strangers (or some dogs at the very least). This is the time to fill our cups, so we have something to take with us when autumn dawns.
Check out Delicate Realms if you'd like to reserve a private or group tarot reading with Amber and see what else this talented artist has to offer.