In a world dominated by rapid fashion and mass production, vintage shopping has become a means to celebrate sustainability, history, and personal flair. But if you've ever gone through a flea market, thrift store, or antique shop, you've probably wondered: Is this thing actually vintage? How does it vary from antiques or used items? It took me a long time to realize and begin to understand the beauty that is vintage and sustainable shopping, but once I did, I became pretty unstoppable in the fight against fast fashion. Understanding the distinctions will enable you to make informed purchases and accumulate a collection of genuine vintage gems. Here’s how I do it!
Thrift, Antique, and Vintage: What’s the Difference?
Thrift store items are second-hand, which means they once belonged to someone else. They can be current or older, but they are not always vintage or antique. Thrift stores are a terrific way to acquire inexpensive items, but you'll need a keen eye to spot genuine vintage treasures. There is so much terminology in the vintage and thrift world, and knowing what things used to be called that might now make them vintage in our modern world is key. Having good style is one thing, but recognizing when things bring flare to our otherwise mundane fashion trends, is what brings me the most joy.
Vintage refers to an item that is at least 20 to 100 years old. Vintage items reflect the style and craftsmanship of their time, making them attractive to collectors and fashion enthusiasts. In other words, it's that sweater in the back of your grandma's closet that she’s held onto since the depression. It’s the trousers size double zero that were made to fit women and where women had better fit into them. It’s not all a sign of the times though, it’s also the wool sweater from Hudson's Bay that’s probably worth hundreds now but cost 10$ brand new back then. Keep your eyes peeled!
An item that is 100 years or older is considered an antique. These items frequently have historical value and can be quite valuable, especially if they are in good condition. Antique and Vintage are two peas in the same pod, but sometimes one of the peas is a little greener than the other. I remember the first time I came across a truly antique piece. I was 8 years old in Montreal with my parents, and I was obsessed with this white crib that someone's grandfather definitely handcrafted. I knew it was antique, because even then, before the boom of vintage and pre-loved, I asked my mom if we could buy it and she said “only if it's less than 75$”, knowing full well it was going to be upwards of 200$. Safe to say the white crib lives-on somewhere out East to this day.
How to Identify True Vintage Pieces
Want to know if something’s truly vintage? Here’s a quick (and fun) way to check:
Labels don’t lie. Old-school brand names, union tags, and outdated sizing can reveal a piece’s age. A little logo research might just time-travel you back to its original era.
Feel the quality. Vintage usually means better materials—think solid wood, real leather, and natural fibers like cotton and wool. Handmade details, metal zippers, and non-plastic buttons? That’s the good stuff.
Age like fine wine. True vintage pieces show natural wear—soft fading, a bit of patina, or minor imperfections. Beware of “vintage-style” fakes that try too hard to look old.
Fashion time machine. Every decade has its own signature look, from Art Deco glam in the ‘20s to funky prints in the ‘70s. Compare with old photos to confirm the era.
Ask the story. If you're buying from a collector or antique shop, chat up the seller! They often know the history, and who doesn’t love a good backstory?
Final Thoughts
Whether you're a seasoned collector or just starting out in vintage buying, understanding how to distinguish between thrift, antique, and vintage things will improve your shopping experience. To put it plainly, vintage is just better, it is always going to be better. Nobody likes seeing Shein on every rack at the thrift store. I will be the first to admit though that in the past I have been so broke that the thought of buying one item of clothing that costs more than a full meal's worth of groceries, has absolutely ruined me. More than ruined me, it forced me to buy a full summer wardrobe of you guessed it…Shein. And did most of that end up in my local Value Village four months later? You guessed it again. But if this is safe space, and I hope it is, then let me be clear, local vintage stores can take all my money (realistically a lot of it actually goes towards clothes) if it means I never have to feel the way I felt trying to fit into the same size dress the “mid-sized” model online was wearing.
Peace and love and happy thrifting!